Station 1
Main Administrative Office
1905 Linden Drive
Boulder, CO 80304
(303) 440-0235
(303) 440-5247 FAX

Station 2
50 Overlook Ln
(303) 442-6463

Station 3
3128 Carriage Hills Drive

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide rapid, effective, and organized responses to fire, medical, and other emergency situations. BMFPD shall also proactively cultivate awareness of, and assist with, fire safety and fire mitigation endeavors in our District.


We serve approximately 1,000 homes in the Boulder Heights, Pine Brook Hills, Carriage Hills, Wagonwheel Gap, Buckingham Hills, and Valley Lane areas. We also provide mutual aid to communities surrounding our district. We respond to around 150 fire, rescue, medical, accident and service calls annually with our 50+ volunteer firefighters and medics.

Our fire mitigation program is staffed by highly trained and skilled professionals, recruited from inside and outside our district as well as from fire department volunteers.

BMFPD takes great pride in providing our community with first-rate emergency services, keeping our mountain communities safe. We provide individuals with great opportunities to get involved in their community, learn new and challenging skills, have fun, make new friends, be personally rewarded, and make a difference.

A Community of Volunteers Serving You

BMFPD consists of firefighters, emergency medical responders, and support personnel who respond to 911 calls in the district, most of whom live in the community and volunteer. We also have a Fire Chief, Wildfire Mitigation Crew, Auxiliary, and Board of Directors who work together to keep things running smoothly.